the second world war

Culture wydanie 2.06.2023 – 9.06.2023
Mystery of the missing painter of the Kolor Group
She was thought to have died during the war. And she survived. Hidden under a different name until her death, she sort of pretended she wasn't there.
Interviews wydanie 12.05.2023 – 19.05.2023
The Birth of Homo Putinus
In the decade, the regime in Moscow has deliberately introduced language that is very disturbingly similar to the language of Nazi Germany to describe Ukrainians, namely to call Ukrainians sick vermin. There is a word "nelyudi".
Interviews wydanie 12.05.2023 – 19.05.2023
A story out of the X-Files in Kraków
Was it the Second World War that was responsible for the loss of these documents? Perhaps, but they were neither stolen, nor burned.
History wydanie 5.05.2023 – 12.05.2023
Communist crime planned by a pre-war Polish officer
He had also previously offered the Germans the support of the Poles in exchange for an end to repression.
Columns wydanie 28.04.2023 – 5.05.2023
Victims of spring or frenzied consumption?
Defenders of the Earth's 'heartland' are calling for a 100-item inventory limit.
History wydanie 28.04.2023 – 5.05.2023
They were permitted to live two months
Nearly 30% of Polish priests perished during WWII.
History wydanie 28.04.2023 – 5.05.2023
Nazi antique shops
How many of the paintings looted during WWII could have passed through reputable auction houses?
History wydanie 14.04.2023 – 21.04.2023
Some were erased from history, others had monuments erected
The falsified image of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising was uncritically reproduced.
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